Monday, June 27, 2011

No Toy Story

Whew! Hey everybody! I've been working away on Fanboy and we're close to wrapping up the season. A couple of months ago they aired the first batch of episodes. One of which was directed by yours truly. I'm very proud of my first Fanboy episode. The always hilarious and talented Justin Nichols storyboarded it. The plot is Fanboy and Chum Chum try to rid their house of baby toys, they use an actual baby as a Geiger counter to sniff out anything babyish and they end up with an empty house! Apparently furniture and fixtures are also baby toys.

Here's a clip
and my beatboard for the episode
This is the title card painted by the amazingly talented SteveLambe

1 comment:

Brandy Trigueros said...

the baby Geiger counter would explode if sniffing out all the toys in our place :)